Young People’s Health & Wellbeing Survey Blog

This blog website provides short reports on analysis done around the Young People’s Health and Well-being Survey (YPHWS), a youth health and wellbeing survey which gathers self-reported information annually from those aged 11-19 in Hertfordshire. The survey in a funded by Hertfordshire County Council’s Public Health and Services for Young People teams and is run by the Public Health Evidence & Intelligence Team.

We aim to release these reports iteratively over time.

Some of the initial questions we aim to tackle include, but are not limited to:

  • Do young people in care have less healthy diets than those not in care?
  • Do young people in care have worse awareness of MH services than those not in care?
  • Do LGBTQ+ YP have different aspirations for their future? ✔
  • Do YP in care have different aspirations for their future? ✔
  • Do LGBTQ+ YP feel different about sustainability?
  • Do LGBTQ+ YP have different experiences in relation to safety and crime?
  • Are YP who take drugs more likely to have MH conditions? ✔
  • Are those with disabilities supported by their schools and do they have different aspirations?
  • Is self-perceived weight associated with poorer diet and lower exercise? ✔
  • Are more deprived YP more likely to smoke and vape? How do diet, self perceived weight, activity correlate with NCMP at a school level

For any queries related to using the website or on the analyses please contact us at: PH Intelligence

What’s New?

2023-06-15 - Do YP in care have different aspirations for their future?